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The review outlines the beef industry on the island, the basic processes by which both domestic and imported beef enters the consumer food chain, and the controls in place to protect consumers from potential risks.
Our review into the finfish food chain on the island of ireland revealed that despite a highly regulated industry producing a very nutritious food source, the consumption of fish remains low.
This project addressed an important gap in food safety assurance in the marine finfish sector by developing and validating an LC–MS–MS method for screening and confirmation of malachite green and leuco–malachite green in farmed fish.
The study assessed Safefood's Nicarbazin guidelines' adoption, finding variable industry compliance. Recommendations include improved training, stricter feed management, and enhanced monitoring to reduce residues in poultry.
General practitioners' management of patients with acute infectious gastroenteritis.
Coccidiostats management at poultry production facilities on the island of Ireland.
This study investigated the role of the different forms of vitamin E and their protective effects.
Identifying effective food message strategies for children and adolescents on the island of Ireland
Developing a consumer checklist to assess hygiene standards in food outlets.