What is weight stigma?

In this episode we are joined by Dr Grace O’Malley, who leads the obesity research and care group in the University of Medicine and Health sciences, Sarah Travers, Media Trainer and former BBC journalist, and Susie Birney from the European Coalition for People Living with Obesity, to talk about weight stigma.
This episode explores the topic of weight stigma, its impact on people living with obesity, the settings within which weight stigma occurs and obesity portrayal in the media. Susie shares her first-hand experience of living with obesity and her experiences of weight stigma.
Have any questions or comments?
Get in touch by emailing info@safefood.net, or through social media @safefoodnetwork.
Fat is a Feminist Issue by Susie Orbach
Ytisebo and obesity – what’s the difference?
Further reading
All-island Obesity Action Forum