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Controlling food pests

Pest control in food businesses is important because food pests carry disease, destroy food and damage property. 

In 2023, almost 3 of every 4 restaurant closure orders by the FSAI were because of pest infestations. In October 2024 Safefood hosted a free webinar for food business to cover practical advice and strategies to help food businesses protect their business from pest infestations. You can watch the webinar recordings below. 

Why is pest control important?

Pest control is important because pests can carry food poisoning bacteria that can contaminate foods and cause illness or food spoilage.

These food poisoning bacteria can be passed to the food by contact with their hair, faeces and urine. Pests can also cause damage to property, waste food, contaminate water storage tanks and cause considerable damage to a food businesses reputation.

What are the signs?

A food pest is any creature that lives on or in human food. They can cause infestations on premises that are poorly maintained. Signs of rodent infestation include gnaw marks, droppings and shredded materials in dark, secluded areas. Signs of insect infestation include larvae, moulted skins and dead insect bodies.

Steps to control pests?

Here are steps to keep pests from getting into your food business:

  • Keep the business clean
  • Cover food at all times
  • Store food off the ground and in pest-proof containers
  • Store and clean refuse bins properly and keep well-fitted lids on bins
  • Check incoming goods for signs of pest activity/food pests
  • Check premises regularly for signs of infestation
  • Rotate stock
  • Keep doors, windows and screens closed

Webinar: Pest control tips and trips for food businesss

Avoid FSAI enforcement orders: pest control tips for food businesses

Ruth Conefrey, Training and Compliance Manager at the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, covers the critical role of pest control in food safety, particularly how it's handled through enforcement by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI).

COVID, Brexit, and new risks leaving food businesses vulnerable to pests

Declan McKerr, Environmental Health Officer at Belfast City Council, provides an EHO perspective on pest-related activity issues and cases within the council, highlighting the increase in pest activity and the reasons behind it.

Uncovering the weak spots that put your food business at risk for pests

Mark Concannon, Managing Direcor of Pestcon, focuses on helping business owners understand common pests and how to manage infestations, emphasising the principles of pest control, proofing, and housekeeping tips. 

Train your staff for free about pest control with our FREE safefood for business training Module 7.

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