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Framework for a Nutrition Surveillance Programme for the Island of Ireland

Nutrition surveillance provides the underpinning information necessary to enable governments to develop sound nutrition policies to protect public health.

1 May 2015

Food Marketing and the Preschool Child

An investigation of the exposure of young children to advertising of unhealthy foods and an examination of its influence on family food purchases, children's eating behaviour and body weight.

5 April 2015

Consumer Focused Review of Men’s Food Behaviour

Gender expectations influence men's food behaviours, with men often less interested in healthy eating and more focused on exercise.

5 December 2014

Consumer understanding of food portion sizes

Knowledge, attitudes and reported behaviour around food portion sizes on the island of Ireland.

5 November 2014

The Impact of Climate Change on Food Safety

The potential impacts of climate change on food safety on the island of Ireland.

13 October 2014

The Impact of Cooking and Related Food Skills on Healthiness of Diets

A reassessment of what we consider ‘food skills’ on the island of Ireland and how these skills affect our diet and health.

30 September 2014

Good Days and Bad Days

An investigation of the habits of shoppers when they do or don't buy healthy food.

5 November 2013

Family Eating Out Events Outside of the Home

The aim of this research was to investigate the range of food available for children while eating outside the home, and to identify barriers to and opportunities for the provision of healthier food options in this environment.

5 November 2013

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