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Protect your business from food fraud

How much is food fraud impacting your business? It is estimated to cost the global food industry US$30 to $40 billion, according to a report from PriceWaterhouseCoopers. As food fraud is a constant threat to all food manufacturing businesses, we should do what we can to protect ourselves.

Food fraud is a constant threat to all food manufacturing businesses on the island of Ireland, regardless of size. But how does a food business operator know if their business is susceptible to food fraud?  All food businesses should be aware of the ‘drivers’ that can facilitate food fraud, including economic drivers:

  • Resource shortages affecting the supply of ingredients
  • High value associated with ingredients
  • Variations in ingredient pricing between countries
  • Suppliers struggling financially

and behavioural drivers:

  • Fraudsters may feel the only way to achieve company targets is through cheating.

If you are a food manufacturing business, you should consider the following issues and ensure your business is not vulnerable. Thankfully, there are lots of resources to help you in this regard.

1. Know what food fraud is and the impact it can have on your business

Subscribe to news & alerts for information relating to food fraud

Learn more about food fraud with online courses

2. Know your ingredients

Check market prices for food/agriculture products and market information

Check historical information for different food categories

Monitor ingredients for food fraud and safety issues using online databases

View food fraud risk information that is specific to your ingredients/food products

3. Know your suppliers

Check a supplier’s background, product range and accreditation

Check a supplier’s creditworthiness before agreeing contracts

  • Credit check website for businesses

Check the domain details for a supplier’s website or phone number

Check if a supplier has any Judgments, Orders or Fines against them

4. Know if you are vulnerable to food fraud

5. Know how to protect your business

6. Know where to seek help and report food fraud

For Ireland, contact the FSAI

For Northern Ireland, contact the FSA








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