Food Messaging to Children and Adolescents – What Works?
- Project start date: 1 February 2023
- Project status: In the field
- Project type: Nutrition
- Discipline: Food skills
- Author/s: Dr Anne Moorhead, Ulster University
- Collaborator/s: Dr Amanda McCloat, Dr Elaine Mooney - St. Angela’s College Sligo.
Research objective
The aim of this research project is to identify effective food message strategies for children and adolescents on the island of Ireland in order to support stakeholders, including Safefood, in developing more effective programmes, interventions, and campaigns, with age- and developmentally-appropriate food messaging, which will result in real behaviour change. It will also allow Safefood to advise organisations in scaling up of best practices and strategies to address the food literacy needs of the children and young people on the island of Ireland.
Research report
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