Relevant publications

Policy documents and reports
safefood has funded a number of policy documents and research projects on food poverty. These include:
- What is the cost of a healthy food basket in Ireland in 2022?
- What is the cost of a healthy food basket in Northern Ireland in 2022?
- What is the cost of a healthy food basket in Ireland in 2020?
- What is the cost of a healthy food basket in Northern Ireland in 2020?
- What is the cost of a healthy food basket in Northern Ireland in 2018
- What is the cost of a healthy food basket in the Republic of Ireland in 2018?
- Cooking and food skills - the current picture (PDF, 700KB)
- What is the cost of a healthy food basket in the Republic of Ireland in 2016? (PDF, 1MB)
- What is the cost of a healthy food basket in Northern Ireland in 2016? (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Evaluation of year one of the Community Food Initiative Programme 2013–2015 - Summary (PDF, 2MB)
- Evaluation of the Community Food Initiative Programme 2013 - 2015 (PDF, 500KB)
- The cost of a healthy food basket. Study of six household types in the Republic of Ireland (PDF, 2MB)
- The cost of a healthy food basket. Pilot study of two household types in Northern Ireland (PDF, 2MB)
- Food skills - Definitions, influences and relationship with health (PDF, 802KB)
- Early School Leavers and Nutrition Research Report (PDF, 4MB)
- Early School Leavers and Nutrition Workshop Report (PDF, 3MB)
- Demonstration Programme of Community Food Initiatives 2010–2012 Evaluation Executive Summary Report (PDF, 2MB)
- Measuring Food Poverty in Ireland - the indicator and its implications (PDF, 100KB)
- Food on a low income - four households tell their story (PDF, 2.71MB)
- Food Values Pilot Programme Summary - Summary Report (PDF, 3MB)
- Tacking Food Poverty – Lessons from the Decent Food for All (DFfA) Intervention (PDF, 1.90MB)
- Food and Nutrient Intake and Attitudes among Disadvantaged Groups on the island of Ireland (PDF, 660KB)
- Food Poverty: Fact or Fiction? (PDF, 1.40MB)
- Standard of Healthy Living on the island of Ireland (PDF, 2.68MB)
Other relevant documents
The following are interesting and relevant reports on the area of food poverty which were not safefood funded.
Food Poverty and Policy (PDF)
Published in 2004, this study was undertaken in ROI on behalf of the Combat Poverty Agency, Crosscare and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and led to the establishment of Healthy Food for All.
The Financial Cost of Healthy Eating in Ireland (PDF)
Published in 2004 and funded by the Combat Poverty Agency, this research demonstrated that healthy eating was not feasible among certain groups on social welfare benefits or minimum wages.
Food Standards Agency's Low Income Diet and Nutrition Survey
Published in 2007,this survey provides strong, nationally representative, evidence on the eating habits, nourishment and nutrition-related health of people on low income and also assessed the effect of lifestyle and other factors.
Healthy Food For All published a Good Practice Guide for School Food Initiatives in 2009 which looks at school food provision, funding sources, developing a school food policy and much more.
In addition, a Good Practice Guide for Community Food Initiatives Part 1 and Part 2 were published in 2010 and a Good Practice Guide for Breakfast Clubs was published in 2012.
* The domain was acquired by a commercial entity after Healthy Food All ceased operation. This commercial entity is not related to safefood or the Food poverty network.