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Conas mar a oibríonn na meáin chumarsáide

Tá a lán gníomhaíochtaí idirghníomhacha ar fáil chun feasacht agus tuiscint maidir leis na meáin a spreagadh agus a chothú.

  • Modheolaíochtaí éagsúla
  • Curtha in oiriúint d’aoisghrúpaí agus do chéimeanna foghlama éagsúla
  • Cúrsa solúbtha 8 seachtaine, 8 gceacht
  • Nasctha leis na hábhair seo den churaclam: Teanga, OSPS, OSIE,
    Drámaíocht, Tíreolaíocht, na hAmharcealaíona agus Matamaitic
  • Gníomhaíochtaí ranga

Why teach media literacy

Media literacy describes the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they circulate. The one common denominator of all media is that it was created for a reason, be it with positive or negative intentions. Understanding that reason will help kids become smart consumers of products and information.

Research shows that children as young as three see thousands of ads for unhealthy foods each year, not to mention the hundreds of media messages they see, hear and read every day. Media literacy and critical thinking skills will help them navigate these messages to make more informed choices as they grow up.

Because of this, we think that media literacy is an important element of the primary school curricula and offer this free education resource to help further media awareness in your class. Information about the lessons, activities, methodologies, and resources required are provided in each Lesson Plan, available for all age ranges from junior and senior infants to 5th and 6th class students.

View First Lesson


MediaWise is based on the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s core competency framework for media literacy.

The resource was developed in collaboration with the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment, dedicated primary school teachers, and advertising experts to support the personal development and health of primary school children.

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