A Compendium of Food Chain Statistics for the Island of Ireland

- Project start date: 1 September 2019
- Project status: Completed
- Project type: Food safety
- Discipline: Food chain
- Author/s: Dr Karen Clarke, Ipsos MORI
Research objective
The promotion of good food safety behaviours throughout the food chain is reliant on a scientifically robust and accurate evidence base. This includes not only information on people’s behaviour and preferences regarding the foods they eat but also accurate statistics on food production, trade and economics, and information on food product recalls, foodborne illness, and the impact of external influences such as climate change.
Safefood commissioned this project to generate a compact but detailed collection of food chain statistics for both Ireland and Northern Ireland. This work was undertaken during 2019 and 2020 and investigated the most up-to-date data available at the time. The data have already been published in a variety of other sources. References are provided for these sources, which the reader can consult if they need greater context or a broader perspective of the overall issues.
Research report
- Title: A compendium of food statistics on the island of Ireland 2023
- Publication date: 31 January 2023
- Summary: A compendium of the most up-to-date food chain statistics for both the Republic and Northern Ireland.
- Findings:
A broad range of public and private sector organisations are involved in the generation of this data, which remains fragmented and, in many cases, difficult to access. In Ireland and Northern Ireland, there are several agencies and bodies responsible for collecting, organising and analysing agrifood (agriculture and food production) statistics. In addition, statistical data about Northern Ireland is often mixed with data from Great Britain and so is presented as data for the whole of the United Kingdom.
You can download the report below.
Similar research
- Vulnerability Management Initiatives (2017)
- Mapping the dairy supply chain on the island of Ireland (2017)
- Development of a Risk Register for both the Pig and poultry Meat Sectors on the island of Ireland: Food Hazard Select (2013)
- Nanotechnology in the agri-food industry on the island of Ireland: applications, opportunities and c (2013)
- Protecting consumer choice: ensuring the provenance of artisan foods produced on the island of Ireland (2013)
- The impact of the SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic on the food chain on the island of Ireland (2021)