The future of food
Latest Outputs
Here you can explore our research outputs which cover the food chain, food allergies, food marketing, microbiology and food hygiene, food skills and reviews, nutrition and obesity.
The views of the public on the island of Ireland.
The research examined the attitudes towards food safety, the barriers and facilitators to establishing a strong food safety culture and developed recommendations for overcoming these barriers.
Understanding the current discourse around food poverty on the island of Ireland.
This study looked at hygiene habits when using a smartphone or tablet in the home kitchen.
Mycotoxins are a threat to cereal production worldwide, including oats and barley. This research looked at the prevalence of certain mycotoxins and current approaches to their measurement and control.
The financial cost of eating a healthy diet in Ireland - 2014 to 2022.
The financial cost of eating a healthy diet in Northern Ireland - 2014 to 2022.
Review of international practice and practical implications for policy.
Safefood commissioned this review of the evidence on fiscal and pricing strategies for food and non-alcoholic drinks to identify gaps in knowledge and set out policy recommendations relevant to the island of Ireland.