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  • This delicious and nutritious cereal breakfast recipe provides two of your five daily portions of fruit and vegetables and is packed with other beneficial nutrients such as fibre, protein and calcium. This is one that is guaranteed to keep you going all morning!

  • Quick, simple and nutritious cheese and vegetable omelette recipe. An omelette is a great way to include eggs in your diet.

  • Try this simple and delicious breakfast to warm you up on those cold mornings. Recipe for chewy apricot porridge.

  • Recipe for a crunchy blueberry yoghurt. Pre-made fruit yoghurts can be expensive and high in added sugar. Why not make your own fruit yoghurt using natural yoghurt and your favourite fruit?

  • Eggs Benedict is a perfect weekend recipe. Try our easy recipe, ready to eat in 10 minutes.

  • Quick and easy french toast recipe with ricotta and berries. This french toast recipe is simple and ready to eat in 10 minutes.

  • Homemade muesli with dried fruit and nuts recipe. Serve with milk or topped with low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit.

  • Eggs are a great way to start the day. This Mexican eggs in the pan recipe only takes 20 minutes to make and serves 4 adults.

  • Found the perfect pancake recipe yet? Look no further! These pancakes with fruit, nuts and natural yoghurt are the answer!

  • Poached eggs recipe with video. Poaching eggs is a great alternative to frying; it is quick and easy with the same great taste and none of the added fat, making it a healthy breakfast.

Showing 271-280 of 836 items

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