Sustainable diets

Over 70% want a healthy diet for a healthy planet
Nearly three quarters (73%) of people think it is important to buy food that has a low environmental impact but just under half (48%) believe they know what a sustainable diet consists of.
In August 2021 the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Ipsos MORI carried out a consumer survey on attitudes towards healthy and sustainable diets. The survey included 1,916 adults aged 16-75, living in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Other findings include:
- Consumers feel that cost is the main barrier to eating a healthier and more sustainable diet
- The majority of consumers believe that individuals (64%) are responsible for the healthiness of diets, and the government (48%) should be responsible for improving the sustainability of UK diets
This trend towards more sustainable diets is seen in the popularity of plant-based alternatives in recent years. Read safefood’'s report on vegetarian meat substitutes. Further research should focus on providing practical education and resources on sustainable diets - what they are and ways to implement them.
Source: Healthy and Sustainable Diets: Consumer Poll Healthy and Sustainable Diets: Consumer Poll | Food Standards Agency