Plant-based meat products

75% of plant-based meat products are not meeting UK salt reduction targets
The consumption of plant-based meat products has become mainstream in recent years due to concerns around health, animal welfare and the environment. These plant-based meat products aim to mimic the taste, texture, and appearance of meat and meat products.
A study carried out by Queen Mary University of London, investigated the nutritional profile and overall healthiness of plant-based meat products available in the UK. Two hundred and seven plant-based meat products were compared against 226 meat products. Plant-based meat products had significantly less calories, total and saturated fat and more fibre than meat equivalents. However, their salt content was significantly higher than meat in five out of six product categories. Protein is also a concern in plant-based meat products, the protein content was significantly lower than meat-based products in four out of six categories.
This study shows that the salt levels in these products are unnecessarily high. Diets high in salt can contribute to raised blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. More progress is needed to reduce salt amounts in these products.
safefood published a report entitled Vegetarian meat substitutes earlier this year giving an overview of the different types and nutritional content of these products from supermarkets on the island of Ireland.