Tackling the marketing of unhealthy food to children. Missed the event? Catch up here.

The impact of marketing foods and drinks to people
Date: 10th November 2020
Time: 9.30am -11am
The All-island Obesity Action Forum webinar was in association with safefood, and the Associations for the Study of Obesity in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The programme focused on the latest evidence on the impact of the marketing of foods and drinks to children, and areas for action.
The presentations
See, like share, remember. Evidence on digital food marketing, children and young people in Ireland and internationally, Dr Mimi Tatlow-Golden, The Open University
Dr Mimi-Tatlow-Golden discussed the impact of marketing unhealthy food to children, with particular emphasis on digital media.
Dr. Tatlow-Golden is Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology and Childhood, at The Open University (UK) where she also co-directs the Centre for Children and Young People’s Wellbeing. One of her key research areas is digital food marketing and rights, where she has collaborated with the World Health Organization for over 5 years, co-authoring multiple WHO reports identifying the evidence and highlighting the challenges for public health, researchers and regulators. She works extensively with NGOs on these issues including WHO as well as Unicef globally; the Norwegian Consumer Council and Consumers International; the UK Obesity Health Alliance; and the Irish Heart Foundation. She has been invited to present or run workshops on these issues at nearly 40 events on 4 continents since 2015.
EU monitoring framework (CLICK), Dr Joao Breda, World Health Organisation
Dr Joao Breda from the World Health Organisation outlined national policy options and the WHO/Europe monitoring framework, known as CLICK, to assist member states in monitoring digital marketing of unhealthy products to children.
A Healthogenic Environment, Dr Frans Folkvord, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Dr. Folkvord is an assistant professor at Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, at the Department Communication and Cognition, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. He is also a senior policy researcher at Open Evidence, a spin-off company of the Applied Social Science and Behavioral Economics Research group, University of Cataluña (Barcelona, Spain). Furthermore, Frans is a temporary advisor to UNICEF, European Commission, the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Dutch Nutrition Centre, and has been advising the World Health Organization about the effects of food marketing on children’s eating behavior. Dr. Folkvord is the author of `The Psychology of Food Marketing and Overeating`.
Dr Folkvord provided insights into how marketing techniques could be used to promote healthy foods.
A parent’s perspective on the impact of marketing unhealthy food to children, Ms Diane Charlton, Irish Coalition for People Living with Obesity
Ms Diane Charlton from the Irish Coalition for People Living with Obesity shared a parent's perspective on the impact of marketing of unhealthy food to children.
EU work package on marketing of unhealthy food to children, Ms Ursula O’Dwyer, Policy Advisor, Department of Health, Ireland
Ms O ’Dwyer, provided an overview of EU work that Ireland and Portugal are leading.