Milk hypersensitivity
A webinar on milk hypersensitivity.
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About this webinar
The webinar was presented by Hazel Gowland, member of the safefood Knowledge Network expert advisory group and leading advocate for people with food allergies.
Consumers avoiding milk seem to be increasing in number. Their reasons for doing so are varied and sometimes complex.
At one end of the spectrum, those with acutely sensitive IgE-mediated food allergy to cow’s milk protein include more teenagers and young and older adults. Inadvertent consumption of milk can be debilitating too for those with intolerances, including lactose intolerance, and many food suppliers can find this confusing.
Others avoid milk as a personal preference or as part of a religious or cultural diet, whilst the current popularity of ‘vegan’ or plant-based diets brings additional challenges for consumers and food businesses implementing controls for allergen management.
This webinar looked at the challenges facing consumers with milk hypersensitivity, both through food allergy & intolerance. Who are these consumers, what are their strategies for allergen avoidance and what can food businesses do to ensure their safety?