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The Message and Emotion Behind the Media




The lesson objectives are:

Lesson 3

Recognise a range of emotions as they are presented in the media and understand that we react emotionally to some advertisements.

Lesson 4

Identify some of the different elements that are used in the media.

MediaWise for First and Second Class should enable the children:

  • To name some different types of media and recognise the different media they encounter on a regular basis.
  • To describe what advertising is and recognise that advertising is everywhere.
  • To understand that advertising tries to do one of four things:
    1. Tell us something we need to know.
    2. Persuade us to buy a product.
    3. Persuade us to change our behaviour.
    4. Put forward a point of view.
  • To understand that everyone has a point of view.
  • To recognise some of the different elements that are used in the media.
  • To explain how these elements affect our emotions.
  • To understand that advertisements are meant to make us feel a particular way.
  • To explain what a need and what a want is, and the difference between them.
  • To recognise that different media target different groups of people (audiences.)
  • To find hidden messages and advertising in the media.
  • To understand the concept of stereotypes and stereotyping.
  • To link an emotional reaction to an advertisement with an action.
  • To understand how media can be a source of information and makes the world a smaller place.

​Information about the lessons, activities, methodologies and resources required are provided in the Lesson Plans.

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