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Thermal Processing For Food Businesses

Thermal Processing For Food Businesses

safefood  presents a free webinar on “Thermal Processing For Food Businesses”.

Catch up: Watch the webinar

This webinar is presented by Miranda Steward, Chartered Environmental Health Officer.

Miranda has had many years’ experience working with the food industry both as a consultant and as a regulator. She spent over 30 years working in local government, having been a joint Chief Executive and then set up her own company. She has worked with a number of celebrity chefs and well renowned businesses as well as with food manufacturers and small artisan food producers.

She has great interest in developing and delivering food safety workshops for both regulators and the industry and has run a number of these throughout the UK and Ireland, specialising in some of the niche aspects of food safety such as Sous Vide, low temperature processing, food microbiology for non-microbiologists and durability of foods.

In this presentation, Miranda gives an understanding of basic thermal processing and covers the following topics:

  • What is thermal processing – both hot and cold
  • How thermal processing can destroy and control microbes
  • An understanding of food poisoning microbes - how and when they can grow
  • Foods associated with different food poisoning
  • The importance of hygiene and sanitation
  • The importance of monitoring thermal processing steps
  • What if you need to validate a thermal processing step

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