Understanding food allergies and intolerances
safefood reminds home cooks to ‘Trust the Meat Thermometer’ when cooking on the barbeque this summer
The cost of living with a food allergy in NI
The cost of living with a food allergy comes at a price for individuals and families in Northern Ireland
The cost of living with a food allergy in Ireland
New study reveals the average cost burden of living with a food allergy is €1,600 a year
Many in NI support policies to combat obesity
People in Northern Ireland back ban on unhealthy food advertising to help address increasing rates of overweight and obesity
Many in Ireland back ban on unhealthy food ads
New safefood research shows high levels of public support for policies addressing increasing rates of overweight and obesity in Ireland
START campaign highlights parents want help to reduce treats as monthly spend by families on treats is €160
This tender has now closed.
safefood and IFA extend innovative "On the ball" initiative
safefood extends innovative Irish FA partnership to encourage healthy habits for kids
safefood to fund 13 community food initiatives over three years
New Funding Awarded to Community Food Initiatives to help positively influence healthy eating habits in communities. #CommunityFood
Call for tenders: laboratory database
safefood is inviting tenders for the provision of a database of food testing laboratory services currently available on the island of Ireland.
Showing 11-20 of 22 articles