BMI calculator

To discover your body mass index, just select your Height, Weight, Waist and Gender and click "Calculate"
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Sign upTo discover your body mass index, just select your Height, Weight, Waist and Gender and click "Calculate"
To discover your body mass index, just enter your height (cm/inches), weight (kg/lbs), waist (cm/inches - optional), gender and click Calculate
Your current BMI is:
This BMI is in the underweight category.
There may be a medical reason for this result. We suggest you talk to your GP about this.
Great! This BMI is in the healthy weight category.
You should try to stay in this range. This means that you are less likely to develop heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. To maintain a healthy weight, it's important to eat healthily and be physically active regularly.
This BMI is in the underweight category, but the waist measurement is high.
Check your measurements and re-enter them. Please talk to your GP if you have concerns about your BMI.
This BMI is in the overweight category, but the waist measurement is still a healthy size.
If you are active and muscular this could mean you don't need to lose any weight. If you are not, losing weight using this tool could be beneficial. Being a healthy weight helps protect you from developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
The safefood Healthy weight for you programme helps you reduce weight and your BMI over time through personalised weekly meal plans.
Great! This BMI is in the healthy weight category. You should try to stay in this range.
The waist circumference is a little higher than it should be so keep an eye on this.
Combining physical activity and eating healthily could help reduce your waist size.
This BMI is in the obese category.
You should work towards achieving a healthier weight over time as it may have health benefits like lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of developing a heart condition or Type 2 diabetes.
We advise that you speak to your GP about what kind of weight loss programme would be suitable for you. Here are some tips about talking to your GP about weight.
This BMI is in the overweight category.
Your health would benefit from gradually losing about 5% of your current weight. Being a healthy weight helps protect you from developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
We suggest you eat healthily and be physically active. You can follow our safefood: Healthy weight for you programme which helps you reduce weight and your BMI over time through personalised weekly meal plans.
However, if you are active and muscular it could mean you don’t need to lose weight, but it is still important that you eat healthily and be physically active.
This BMI is in the obese category.
You should work towards achieving a healthier weight over time as it may have health benefits like lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of developing a heart condition or Type 2 diabetes.
We advise that you speak to your GP about what kind of weight loss programme would be suitable for you. Here are some tips about talking to your GP about weight.
This BMI is in the obese category.
You should work towards achieving a healthier weight over time as it may have health benefits like lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of developing a heart condition or Type 2 diabetes.
We advise that you speak to your GP about what kind of weight loss programme would be suitable for you. Here are some tips about talking to your GP about weight.
The waist size you entered is very small and may be an error. Please remeasure your waist and try again.
This BMI is in the underweight category.
There may be a medical reason for this result. We suggest you talk to your GP about this.
Great! This BMI is in the healthy weight category. You should try to stay in this range.
This means that you are less likely to develop heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. To maintain a healthy weight, it's important to eat healthily and be physically active regularly.
This BMI is in the overweight category.
Your health would benefit from gradually losing about 5% of your current weight. Being a healthy weight helps protect you from developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
We suggest you eat healthily and be physically active. You can follow our safefood: Healthy weight for you programme which helps you reduce weight and your BMI over time through personalised weekly meal plans.
However, if you are active and muscular it could mean you don’t need to lose weight, but it is still important that you eat healthily and be physically active.
This BMI is in the obese category.
You should work towards achieving a healthier weight over time as it may have health benefits like lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of developing a heart condition or Type 2 diabetes.
We advise that you speak to your GP about what kind of weight loss programme would be suitable for you. Here are some tips about talking to your GP about weight.
This BMI is in the obese category.
You should work towards achieving a healthier weight over time as it may have health benefits like lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of developing a heart condition or Type 2 diabetes.
We advise that you speak to your GP about what kind of weight loss programme would be suitable for you. Here are some tips about talking to your GP about weight.
This BMI is in the underweight category.
There may be a medical reason for this result. We suggest you talk to your GP about this.
Great! This BMI is in the healthy weight category. You should try to stay in this range.
This means that you are less likely to develop heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. To maintain a healthy weight, it's important to eat healthily and be physically active.
This BMI is in the overweight category.
Your health would benefit from gradually losing about 5% of your current weight. Being a healthy weight helps protect you from developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
We suggest you eat healthily and be physically active. You can follow our safefood: Healthy weight for you programme which helps you reduce weight and your BMI over time through personalised weekly meal plans.
However, if you are active and muscular it could mean you don’t need to lose weight, but it is still important that you eat healthily and be physically active.
This BMI is in the obese category.
You should work towards achieving a healthier weight over time as it may have health benefits like lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of developing a heart condition or Type 2 diabetes.
We advise that you speak to your GP about what kind of weight loss programme would be suitable for you. Here are some tips about talking to your GP about weight.
This BMI is in the obese category.
You should work towards achieving a healthier weight over time as it may have health benefits like lowering your blood pressure and reducing your risk of developing a heart condition or Type 2 diabetes.
We advise that you speak to your GP about what kind of weight loss programme would be suitable for you. Here are some tips about talking to your GP about weight.
Our Healthy Weight For Your programme could help you reach a healthy weight through personalised meal plans. Sign up here
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