An investigation of the potential application of cDNA array technology in testing the efficacy and s
Project Reference: 02-PG-033
Status: Completed
Commencement Date: October, 2002
Project Duration: 48 months
This project used a new technology called cDNA technology to evaluate functional food ingredients in terms of their efficacy but also their safety. Recent technological advances in cDNA technology have enabled nutritional scientists to produce new functional foods, whose beneficial effects as well as evidence of lack of adverse effects have not been proven.
This project used two examples of nutrients which are currently being added to or enriched in foods - Vitamin A and conjugated linoleic acid; to test the sensitivity, specificity and potential application of cDNA array technology in characterising certain physiological events related to disease prevention or promotion.
Principal Contractor(s):
Prof Kevin Cashman, University College Cork
Single supplier
The PhD thesis is available on request and can be accessed through University College Cork