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 19 ratings

Prep Time:20 mins

Cooking Time:90 mins

Serves:10 Adults



Barmbrack can be a really tasty treat as the evenings turn darker and colder. And it's good any time of the year, not just at Halloween!


  • 200g sultanas
  • 50g light brown sugar
  • 1 mug of strong tea, 260mls
  • 1 medium egg
  • 200g self-raising flour


  1. Add the fruit and sugar to a bowl, cover with the tea and leave to soak overnight. The tea should just about cover all the fruit
  2. When you are ready to bake, heat your oven to 150oC (300oF) or gas mark 2 and prepare and line a 1lb loaf tin
  3. Add the egg and flour to the fruit and mix. If the mixture is a little dry, add a little more tea until the consistency is that of a fruit cake mix
  4. Pour into the prepared tin and transfer to the oven
  5. Bake for 1 hour, checking the cake is cooked before removing from the oven

What you will need

  • Kitchen scales
  • Large loaf tin
  • Mixing bowl
  • Sieve
  • Springform tin
  • Wooden spoon

Serving suggestions

Traditionally a ring is baked into the Barmbrack, if you wish to do this ensure that the ring is completely wrapped in grease-proof paper and is large enough not to be swallowed by accident!

"Makes 10 slices"

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