The effect of y-tocopherol (y-T) supplementation on y-t status, antioxidant capacity and nitrosative
Project Reference: 04-PG-05
Status: Completed
Commencement Date: January, 2005
Project Duration: 36 months
Vitamin E is found in vegetable and seed oils, in wheat germ and, in smaller quantities, in meats, fish, fruits and vegetables. Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse correlation between acute coronary events and high intake of dietary vitamin E. Vitamin E may help prevent or delay coronary heart disease by limiting the oxidation of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol. Vitamin E also may help prevent the formation of blood clots, which could lead to a heart attack. However, clinical trials with the main form of Vitamin E have been disappointing. Currently in Ireland, approximately 25% of adults augment their diets with commercially available nutritional supplements.
This study investigated the role of the different forms of vitamin E and their protective effects and examined the appropriateness of supplementation of the diet with vitamin E. The study was carried out with special reference to smokers, as other factors have to be considered in the provision of advice to this subsection of the population.
Principal Contractor(s):
Dr JMW Wallace, University of Ulster
Dr JMW Wallace, University of Ulster
The PhD thesis is available on request and can be accessed through the University of Ulster
Peer Reviews:
Mullee, J. M. W. Wallace, J. J. Strain and A. J. Sinclair, (2009). “A comparison of cardiovascular risk factors in smokers and non-smokers”. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2009), 67 (OCE7), E262.